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Sempervivum 'Spumanti' Hens & Chicks, 4" Pot Live Plant

Sempervivum 'Spumanti' Hens & Chicks, 4" Pot Live Plant

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Sempervivum arachnoideum 'Spumanti': A sweet burgundy and green rosette that is small, but prolific. It is covered with natural webbing that helps it tolerate drought and full sun. Like other S. arachnoideum varieties, 'Spumanti' benefits from a particularly gritty soil to prevent rot. This plant comes in a 4" pot.

Hens Chicks need plenty of outdoor sunlight to show their best colors and maintain a tight rosette form. They thrive in gritty, well-draining soils and pots with drainage holes. They produce new offsets or "chicks" on stolons. These chicks can be left to form tidy clusters or removed to share and transplant.

Sempervivum do most of their growing in the spring and summer and will thrive with weekly watering and afternoon shade if temperatures exceed 80F. They are incredibly frost hardy and will happily overwinter under an insulating blanket of snow. Protect from heavy rains and standing water to prevent rot.

SUN REQUIREMENTS: Filtered / Partial Sun, Full Sun

HEIGHT: Under 3"

ZONES: 5-10

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