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"Weihenstephaner Gold" Orange Stonecrop Sedum Succulent Plant - 4" Pot

"Weihenstephaner Gold" Orange Stonecrop Sedum Succulent Plant - 4" Pot

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Sedum kamtschaticum var. floriferum ‘Weihenstephaner Gold’, also known as Orange Stonecrop, is a delightful semi-evergreen perennial that makes an excellent ground cover. Here are some key details about this charming sedum:

  • Appearance: ‘Weihenstephaner Gold’ features fleshy, dark green, spoon-shaped leaves delicately tinged with bronze. It grows as a spreading, mat-forming plant, reaching up to 3-6 inches tall and spreading 3-12 inches wide.
  • Flowers: Clusters of small, golden-yellow, starry flowers appear in summer, borne in the leaf axils and at the tips of leafy, red stems. As the flowers fade, the seedheads develop reddish-pink tones, creating a terrific bicolor effect.
  • Fall Color: The leaves turn beet-red to purple in fall.
  • Growing Conditions: Best grown in full sun or partial shade, in poor to moderately fertile, dry to medium moisture, well-drained soils. Protect from excessive winter wet.
  • Uses: Perfect for rock gardens, containers, as a groundcover, or edging plant.
  • Maintenance: Virtually pest-free. Cut back after flowering to maintain shape or leave seedheads overwinter.
  • Propagation: Propagate by division in spring or by softwood cuttings of non-flowering shoots in early summer.

Add this resilient and attractive sedum to your garden for a touch of greenery and easy care!

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