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Petal Pushers Nursery

Siberian Iris 'Black Form', 1 Gallon Pot Live Plant

Siberian Iris 'Black Form', 1 Gallon Pot Live Plant

Regular price $19.99 USD
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Iris chrysographes ‘Black Form’, also known as Black Iris, is a stunning hardy perennial. Although the flowers are actually a very deep purple, this variety comes very close to being truly black. The exotic and fragrant flowers are perfectly contrasted by the narrow, bright green leaves. 

Siberian irises (Iris sibirica) are delightful herbaceous perennials that can add elegance to your garden. Here’s what you need to know about growing and caring for them:

  1. Description:

    • Siberian irises have strappy, sword-like foliage and graceful, beardless flowers.
    • They remain attractive even after the flowers fade, resembling ornamental grass.
    • These plants are cold-hardy (USDA Zones 3–8) and resistant to borer worms and rot.
  2. Growing Conditions:

    • Sun: In cooler climates, grow them in full sun; in warmer regions, partial shade is better.
    • Soil: Well-drained, slightly acidic soil is ideal.
    • Moisture: Consistent moisture in spring and early summer is crucial.
  3. Maintenance:

    • Fertilization: Use a balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer in early spring and after flowering.
    • Division: Divide every 3–4 years to prevent overgrown clumps and encourage more blooms.

*Please Note: If plant is too tall at shipping time, it will be trimmed down. Some soil may be removed.

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