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Chick Charms® 'Cotton Candy™' Hens & Chicks Plant - 4" Pot

Chick Charms® 'Cotton Candy™' Hens & Chicks Plant - 4" Pot

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The Chick Charms® Cotton Candy™ (Hens and Chicks) (Sempervivum arachnoideum ‘Emily’) is a delightful mat-forming succulent perennial. Here are some details about this charming plant:

  • Appearance: It forms small, evergreen rosettes with fleshy, olive-green leaves covered in white cobweb-like hairs. 
  • Flowering: In summer, a thick flowering stalk emerges from the center of the “hen” rosette, bearing showy starry, pink flowers.
  • Growth Habit: The mother rosette (the “hen”) spreads horizontally to form offsets (the “chicks”). Each offset develops its own roots and becomes independent of the parent plant.
  • Hardiness: It’s hardy in zones 4-9 and tolerates drought.
  • Maintenance: Once established, it requires little care and can survive near total neglect.
  • Ideal Uses: Perfect for rock gardens, scree beds, troughs, or as an edging plant. Also great in containers.
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