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Petal Pushers Nursery

Bunny Girl Succulent - Hens & Chicks Sempervivum Plant - 4 inch pot

Bunny Girl Succulent - Hens & Chicks Sempervivum Plant - 4 inch pot

Regular price $10.95 USD
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Sempervivum Bunny Girl forms small, tight rosettes of plump, velvety leaves that are soft gray green to rose-purple, varying with the season, and covered with white hairs.

Hens Chicks need plenty of outdoor sunlight to show their best colors and maintain a tight rosette form. They thrive in gritty, well-draining soils and pots with drainage holes. They produce new offsets or "chicks" on stolon's. These chicks can be left to form tidy clusters or removed to share and transplant.

Sempervivum do most of their growing in the spring and summer and will thrive with weekly watering. They are incredibly frost hardy and will happily overwinter under a blanket of snow. They will change color throughout the year. See the pictures above for color changes based on temperature.

**Well rooted plant growing and shipped in a 4-inch pot! This plant is shipped in its pot to prevent any damage on the roots. Some soil may be removed for shipping.

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