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Pacific Devil's Food Succulent - Hens & Chick Houseleek Sempervivum Plant - 4 inch pot

Pacific Devil's Food Succulent - Hens & Chick Houseleek Sempervivum Plant - 4 inch pot

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Sempervivum ‘Pacific Devil’s Food’ is a captivating succulent that boasts striking red tones throughout the year. Here are some key details about this delightful plant:

  • Appearance: The rosette of Sempervivum ‘Pacific Devil’s Food’ features long, spiky leaves in bright red or pink, with burgundy tips. The leaves are densely packed and upright, creating an eye-catching display.
  • Color Variation: This large grower exhibits a range of red hues, transitioning from golden tones in the summer to chocolaty purples during the winter months.
  • Growth: It produces numerous new offsets (also known as “chicks”) each spring, rapidly forming an impressive colony.
  • Sunlight and SoilSempervivum thrives in gritty, well-draining soil and requires plenty of outdoor sunlight to showcase its best colors and maintain a tight rosette form.
  • Hardiness: These hardy succulents can withstand frost and even thrive under a blanket of snow during winter.
  • Care: Water weekly and provide afternoon shade if temperatures exceed 80°F. Protect them from heavy rains and standing water to prevent rot.
  • Size: The maximum height is under 3 inches, and the rosette size ranges from 5 to 6 inches.
  • Propagation: You can leave the chicks to form tidy clusters or remove them for sharing and transplanting.
  • Pet SafeSempervivum is safe for pets
  • Deer Resistant

If you’re considering adding a touch of red to your garden, Sempervivum ‘Pacific Devil’s Food’ is an excellent choice! 

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